Sunday, December 02, 2007

Infertility ~ A Collection of My Poems

These are the poems I wrote while in my mid to late 20's, while I wrestled with God and His purpose in ordaining my infertility. By His matchless grace and mercy He caused me to emerge from that refining fire with not only a greater understanding of Him, a deeper confidence in Him, a growing love for Him, but I came to understand and embrace Romans 8:28!

November 1989

February 1990

April 4, 1990

April 25, 1990

August 1990

1 comment:

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

I love that scripture! Wonderful words to read as is Romans 8:18. I was never able to carry a child and had 4 miscarriages before I was 3 months along. it used to be very upsetting not having children but i am fine with it now. i love my life!