"...the pragmatic and “seeker-sensitive” approaches to contemporary worship because they tend to diminish the proper place of preaching and replace it with quasi-spiritual forms of sheer entertainment (music, comedy, drama, and whatnot). Any trend that threatens the centrality of God’s Word in our corporate worship is a dangerous trend." ~John MacArthur (emphasis mine)
Male and female created He them
5 hours ago
I guess the related question is, "Where is the power in the pulpit?" Unfortunately many people assume that the preaching is powerful if it is loud, glib, funny, emotional and dogmatic.
shawn: You can bet we've seen and heard 'all of the above' during our "Survey" visits--just one of the many reasons we're doing this. On several occassions Olga has commented that she had a heard time 'following' the preacher--mostly because they did not stay with the text and/or interact with it.
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K T Cat
Ah yes... the text is merely an anchor for me to express my own thoughts, and allows me to claim that my own thoughts are Biblical.
k t cat: Thanks for the tag, I'll do my best--I'm more left-brained!!! BTW, I have a black and white tuxedo cat, too!
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