Monday, December 31, 2007

Theology MATTERS~ in prayer

Because "theology matters" has become my 'mantra' over the years I was very pleased to read The Secret to a Better Prayer Life by Pastor Joe Thorn (I found his blog this a.m. through Justin Taylor's Between Two Worlds).

Of course, I hope you'll take time to read Pastor Thorn's post, but here are a few highlights:

  • I am convinced that one of the best things to help your prayer life is systematic theology.

    The more we know of God, the better equipped we are to praise him for who he is.

    Good theological meditation of both the glory of God and the heinousness of our corruption will be of great assistance in both knowing and mortifying your sins.

    Our thanksgiving will only be as weak as our theology.

    At the very least, good theology teaches us to what we may appeal in God when making our requests.

    In the end, I believe prayer is impossible without systematic theology. It is the secret of a healthy prayer life. Theology of course is inherent in any prayer, but systematic theology helps us to develop a more holistic, comprehensive and detailed picture of God, self and the world.


Shawn Abigail said...

What is worship? Worship is when we are completely satisfied in what we know to be true about the Lord Jesus Christ. So if your theology is deficient, then your worship will be deficient as well.

The Open Range Camping Family said...

"He is the Person who made us for his own glory, who invites us into a relationship with himself despite our sin and corruption. God invites us to dialog! To “reason” with him. Good theology can change our stale list of requests into a more meaningful interaction with God. How? At the very least, good theology teaches us to what we may appeal in God when making our requests."

I can identify with this, and this particular quote is exactly how i felt, a checklist of sorts of people to pray for.

I know my prayer life has been stale and I so needed to read this.
Thank you for sharing the information and the link.

BTW, I started Martha Peace's book from the link you posted. Loving it :)

Connie said...

shawn: thanks for dropping by--I enjoyed your blog and your comments at other blogs.

dana: so glad you're enjoying Martha Peace's book--I find myself reaching for any number of her books at least once a week!

Diane said...

Connie, I really enjoyed this post. This past Sunday, our pastor preached on how important it is to have a prayer life. He encouraged us to begin this year to make prayer a part of our daily lives if we weren't already praying daily.

Count me in as liking Martha Peace too.