Friday, February 16, 2007

Other bloggers "Practicing Theology" (aka: blog spotting)

Here are some posts that I've been "chewing on"lately:

Carla has some eye-opening things to share about a women's movement among the Emerging Church.

Do You Pray? is a question we need to ask OFTEN! It's just too easy to be distracted and/or misunderstand God's purpose for us praying. I've read J.C. Ryle's book on prayer and refer to it often.

Al Mohler provides a Biblical view of sex. My husband and I have the joy and privilege of providing pre-marital counseling to young Xian couples--it's such a joy to be a part of building the foundation for a God-honoring marriage! Part of building that foundation is confronting and correcting unbiblical views or misunderstandings regarding God's gift of sex.

Dan Phillips ponders "effective mothering" over at Biblical Christianity. This sent chills down my spine!

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