We reached another "milestone" in our family today, our oldest daughter earned her driver's permit! While I definitely share in her joy (we celebrated with a trip to a frozen yogurt shop) I realized that this is just as much a "milestone" for me as it is for her. It is yet another area that the Lord has ordained to teach me to trust Him more.
One of our "little birds" will soon be venturing out of the nest that we lovingly and carefully crafted for her and her sister. I have no concerns that she will willingly return to the safety of our nest over and over in the months and years to come, but it's the dangers and predators outside of our nest that concern me most. THAT is where my trust in the Lord is going to be stretched and refined.
I will be learning to trust Him in ways I never have had to before--all part of my sanctification, ordained by Him. Will I trust Him when she's late getting home from a visit to a friend's house? Will I pray instead of fret when I hear on the radio about a traffic accident? Will I show compassion and mercy when she announces that she backed into another car in a parking lot? Will I be more concerned about the condition of the family vehicle than the condition of her growing responsibility?
Yes, we reached another "milestone" in our family today--and by God's grace there will be MANY more to come!
A La Carte (March 6)
2 hours ago
Congratulations Allison!!! And Connie, too. The answer to all of those questions are a mixture of yes and no's. We now have three teenage licensed drivers and four with learner's permits, so I can assure you there will be many moments of nervousness and worry. You are so correct about it being a huge milestone, too. When Jennifer passed her learner's permit test, I had that same feeling that our lives would never be the same...and I was right! It is wonderful to see them grow and mature like this, but scary at the same time. What a privilege it is to be a part of the lives of these children.
Connie, tell John that Bob goes out three mornings a week and early on Saturdays to take our learner's to get driving time. He is sure to be able to give him (both of you) some pointers. I just keep the books. ;-)
What driver's ed program are you using?
Blessings and best wishes to all of you!!
I look forward to that day with a mixture of dread and anticipation. I know that I must cling to the Lord and trust Him to lead me through all the "seasons" as He has laid them out before me.
He is our best HOPE and our only HOPE. It reminds me of that line: "I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future." And, I can trust Him--and I'm learning to walk in that trust!
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