Kim of Hiraeth has a new business venture, selling custom, handmade bookmarks featuring her beautiful calligraphy. She's introducing her new site with a meme—a book meme, of course. Please, join in!
Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback? I don't mind the packaging so much, but if the price is right I'll take the hardback.
Online purchase or brick and mortar? Both--if the price is right.
Barnes & Noble or Borders? For books or for coffee and dessert? Ha! I like to browse both, but rarely buy my books there.
Bookmark or dog-ear? Horror of horrors!!! I don't dog-ear unless it's a sales catalog of some sort. I collect bookmarks from anywhere and everywhere, and improvise as necessary!
Mark or not mark? I mostly use pencil to mark in the margin of books, but I highlight, write notes and everything else in my Bible.
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random? My husband's study sets the tone for this, he categorizes by subject. I simply keep random stacks around the house!
Keep, throw away, or sell? Keep mostly, give some to friends, NEED to sell some soon!
Keep dustjacket or toss it? Keep the dustjacket until it is in tatters.
Read with dustjacket or remove it? With dustjacket.
Short story or novel? Both, no real preference.
Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)? Collection
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? When tired--TRY to get to a chapter break, but end up rereading portions!
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”? Both
Buy or Borrow? I prefer to buy if I know it is worth having. Otherwise, I'll borrow (friend or local library) it first, then I might eventually buy my own.
New or used? I love new, but get more books if I go with used. My husband and I loooooove going to bookstores (new and used) on dates--always have!
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? Recommendations mostly
Tidy ending or cliffhanger? Tidy ending, please!
Morning reading, afternoon reading or night time reading? 24/7--I carry at least one book with me wherever I go.
Standalone or series? Mostly standalone
Favorite series? Historic novels
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? They recently began to reprint "Marriage to a Difficult Man - The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards". It became one of my all time favorites back in the 80's--hardly anyone else was familiar with it then. I don't recall how I became aware of it--maybe I was browsing the seminary library, maybe a prof. recommend it, maybe it was listed in a bibliography--I'm glad it is now more widely available.
Favorite books read last year? I honestly can't decide--I did enjoy a series of historic novels!
Favorite book of all time? Manual of Christian Doctrine, by Louis Berkhof. I discovered it during a time when I was refining my own theology and beginning to embrace Reformed theology. Berkhof made it so understandable for me--I refer to it almost daily.
Theological Term of the Week: Monotheletism
7 hours ago
Thanks, Connie!
I'd be interested in learning the historical novels you like. I, too, like them (along with biographies).
I haven't read that book about Edwards life--yet! It is on my list.
Hi Connie!
Guess what? You won! Just contact me when you've decided what you want on your bookmark and I'll get busy!
I'm overjoyed by God's providence! I'm already considering what I want on the bookmark and will let you know a.s.a.p. Hmmmmmmmm... Thanks!
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