Recently I've been "under the weather", "under pressure", and "under the gun". Consequently, my posting has been rather sporadic and I'm trying to get back on track as best I can. Oh yea, it's spring break for us this week--yippee!
Yesterday the girls and I enjoyed a little running around together after spending some time with my dad during lunch at the nursing home--he tends to eat better when he has visitors. We dropped by one of our local Xian bookstores so that I could take a closer look at some homeschool curriculum and they could check out all the things that teen girls find so appealing! After about 30 minutes of that we were ready to go and on our way out when the "Bargain Books" sign caught my eye! Oh boy!! Books at "lower than normal" prices!
I did find several "treasures" at incredible prices! I found Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology for only $9.99 (retail $53). Grudem has been credited with "redefining" prophesy--championed by charismatic theology--so you KNOW why I am interested in having this book! The one book I was really hoping to find--and did--is THIS book for only $2.49 (retail $12.99). I borrowed this book from our local library last fall and posted a little about it several months ago. I've been wanting a CHEAP copy of my own cause I'm still working through and trying to reconcile some of her positions. She does an excellent job of encouraging women to consider and embrace theology, but some of her assumptions and positions concern me from a Biblical Womanhood point of view. I'll enjoy chewing on this book again, and marking/highlighting my very own copy! I also found a couple of CHEAP books that my husband is interested in by Brian D. McLaren and by D A Carson--talk about polar opposites!
As I was perusing the huge selection of "Bargain Books" I couldn't keep from chuckling when I came across several of THESE. I had to ask myself, "Do we really want to learn his Bible Study Methods?" I think not--please refer to my previous post HERE.
So, you'll please forgive me if my posting remains sporadic--I have some reading to do!
Thursday, March 6, 2025
2 hours ago
1 comment:
Connie, I've been wanting Grudem's Systematic Theology book for sometime now. My pastor recommends Reymond's Systematic Theology book, but I'm not sure how user friendly that one is, and whether I would be able to understand it. I've requested them both through Inter library loan, so we'll see. If I saw it for $9.99, I'd grab it in a heartbeat.
The book that you got for $2.49 looks really good. I'll have to keep that one in mind.
I rarely venture into our local Christian bookstores because most of what they carry isn't very good. I do alot of my buying online.
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