One of my favorite bloggers, Tim Challis (see my "Favorites" sidebar), does "live blogging" of various Xian Conferences he is attending. He's commented numerous times that it's not easy to do--summarizing what has been said by many speakers over the course of a day or several days with accuracy and comprehensiveness. I think I know what he means because my husband and I are currently attending the annual NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counselors) conference and I can't tell you how many times I've thought "I wish I could blog this conference for those who can't be here, but where do I begin, and where would I end?"
One thing is for sure, I'll be posting bits and pieces from this conference in the days, weeks, and months to come because this year's conference title/topic is "Counseling and the Attributes of God". The timing couldn't have been any better--providential, you know--it's highlighted my concern that we need (MUST) know what God has revealed about Himself in Scripture in order for us to apply what we KNOW about Him. All so that we can "practice theology". But first, we must HAVE a theology and we must be certain that it is drawn from Scripture, not from our human creation of what we WANT God to be and do.
Until I have time to fully digest all that I've taken in these past 2+ days, I'll simply leave you with a few quotes from some of the general session speakers we've heard so far.
- Al Mohler reminded us that "Theology is a lived discipline--we LIVE what we BELIEVE."
- Stuart Scott pointed out that "Mysticism is trying to communicate with God outside of His Word."
- Stuart Scott quoted Tozer saying, "We don't rise any higher than our view of God."
- Randy Patton focused on God's faithfulness reminded us of God's faithfulness in that He is true, tells the truth, and proves truth by keeping His promises.
Go grab your manual of theology and start reading!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
1 hour ago
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