Not surprisingly, much has happened since my last post in 2013.
Host of this blog apparently changed from BlogSpot to Blogger--please be patient with me while I relearn and catch up.
Took up the habit of running back in 2013--and still loving it. So far, my longest distance was a 15k that truly tested my resolve! Turns out that even when you train well, there are no guarantees--there's a future blog post for sure (believe me, I've written it in my head countless times already).
Passed my ACBC (formerly NANC) exams, earning certification for years of counseling study and experience.
Joined a new demographic, I'm an empty nester!
Completed work on my psychology and sociology degrees. Now considering masters programs...stay tuned!
I've missed posting here and how it was a great outlet for processing my thoughts, refining my understanding, and sharpening my theology.
Theological Term of the Week: Monotheletism
11 hours ago